Thursday, September 21, 2006

Mirra Alfassa: The Flowers and their Messages

An introduction to the Integral Yoga of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother through the flowers
14 abril 2006
Thoughtdiverse colors of smooth flat aterciopeladas flowerswith five cleared petals; rizomatosa lossThoughts Oriented towards the Divine oneA beauty certainty.
posted by aswapati @ -->5:17 p.m. Sends east article to a friend 24 abril 2005
The flowers are the momentary representation of things that in themselves are eternal.
posted by aswapati @ -->11:50 p.m. Sends east article to a friend
You take of here
You take of flowers and blessings here,smiles of the divine Lovethat it lacks preferences and you repulse…It is spilled towards all in a generous volumeand it never demands his wonderful gifts.
posted by aswapati @ -->11:00 p.m. Sends east article to a friend
Gladiolus hortulanus
Gladioloall the colors of graceful long pedículoswith elegant tubular flowers, with flight or gathered;it plants bulbousReceptivityConscious of the Will Divine and left her.
“The flowers are very receptive, and are happy when they are loved”.
posted by aswapati @ -->10:00 p.m. Sends east article to a friend
Love and Aspiration in Plantas
The movement of the love is not limited the human beings and perhaps less it is deformed in other kingdoms that in the human.It observes the flowers and the trees. When the sun is put and everything is in silence, siéntate for a moment and ponte in communication with the Nature: you will feel to ascend of the Earth, from the roots of the trees, rising upwards and running through its fibers to the highest and separated branches, the aspiration of an intense love and yearning, - a yearning of which brings light and gives happiness, towards the light that has gone away and that wishes that it returns again. It is a so pure and intense anxiety that if you can feel the movement in the trees, your own one to be also will rise in an ardent plegaria towards La Paz, the light and the love that remain inmanifestados.
posted by aswapati @ -->9:00 p.m. Sends east article to a friend 21 febrero 2005

Contents of the book “the Flowers and their Messages”
Introduction 7Words of Sri Aurobindo and Madre 11
Love and Aspiration in Plantas 11The Care of Plants and Flores 12Dreams, Beings and Forces 14Contact with Psychic the 15The Flowers are Average of Transmission 17The Meaning of Flores 19The Fragrance of Flores 20The Offering of Roses 22Exceed with Blessings 22Flowers in Samadhi 23A Experience 23The Flowers and their Messages 25Index of Common Names 141Glossary of Philosophical and Psychological Terms 145The Symbolism of Color 153The Mother: A Biographical Outline 155References 157
posted by aswapati @ -->12:01 p.m. Sends east article to a friend
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Connections Mirra Alfassa: Madre El Juego de las Flores --> In order to read
The Flowers and their Mensajes (PDF)
MADRE the divine manifestation

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