Monday, August 07, 2006

Sri Aurobindo outlined a postmodern way

Seth Speaks Newsletter - Vol XXIII 4 Aug 2006 by SethD8 Sri Aurobindo (1872-1950) was born in India, and educated in England where he was ... Still, Aurobindo outlined a postmodern way to understand how Causal ... Aurobindo wrote The Life Divine (1949) over a period of years from 1914-1920. ...Light Evolver -
The Human Aspiration5 Aug 2006 by Sri Aurobindo The animal is satisfied with a modicum of necessity; the gods are content with their splendours. But man cannot rest permanently until he reaches some highest good. He is the greatest of living beings because he is the -
Sri Aurobindo Quote Collections I5 Aug 2006 "The arrival of a new radical idea in the minds of men is the sign of a great coming change in human life and society; it may be combated, the reaction of the old idea may triumph for a time, but the ...Cecilia Suhr - myspace Blog -
Danger to Civil Society from radicalisation of Islam 4 Aug 2006 by netsuffering And, three decades before the partition of India, Sri Aurobindo raised the question about the fundamental intolerance of ... Sri Aurobindo cited the Koranic injunction (chapter IX, verse 5): "Slay the Idolaters wherever ye find them, ...Mumbaibog -
Selves Authentic4 Aug 2006 by CJ Smith It is ONE NETWORK--but not in the sense of some pre-set Aurobindo-like Supermind that just descends and is already totally put together and we all just experience it together. And then gaze it in wonder. "It" actually needs "us" and ...Indistinct Union: Nonduality... -
Meta-states of Consciousness - a preliminary paradigm4 Aug 2006 by m alan kazlev Sri Aurobindo however refers to even greater states of trans-enlightenment beyond that. The nature of some of these states ... On this, see also my essay The Divinisation Of Matter - Lurianic Kabbalah, Sri Aurobindo, and the New Physics . Integral Transformation -
The Mother - India Post commemorates the founder (along with Sri ... 2 Aug 2006 by R. Balaji
"It was the Mother, as Sri Aurobindo's 'Shakti', who organised the growing group of followers around him into the Sri Aurobindo Ashram from November 1926 onwards, and who in 1952, after his passing in 1950, created the Sri Aurobindo Camera -
Pain and Suffering 2 Aug 2006 by Dhaval Dalal What is the role of Pain and Suffering in life? They break the inertia and resistance in man and have this precise role. Sri Aurobindo describes pain beautifully in his epic poem Savitri . These words are really mantric by nature. ... jroller -

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