Tuesday, August 05, 2008

What about the assertion that Aurobindo was an avatar? I can’t say that the question interests me

What about the assertion that Aurobindo was an avatar? I can’t say that the question interests me very much. Aurobindo never claimed the distinction for himself, and I don’t think anyone alive is in a position to say one way or the other. The Aurobindo that interests me is the one who turned from a life of hectic action to a life of contemplation, but was able, during his forty-year retirement, to write a shelf full of books on philosophy, political theory, and textual criticism, along with thousands of letters and, yes, that epic in iambic pentameter. -- Peter Heehs, author of The Lives of Sri Aurobindo 8:43 AM
Sri Aurobindo: the Spiritual Revolution Poet, philosopher, revolutionary and mystic, Sri Aurobindo was one of India’s most extraordinary leaders. He inspired the revolutionary movement, transformed the Congress from an elite to a mass organization, and propagated a vision of and India proud of her past, and ready to face the future. Incarcerated in jail, he became convinced that India would soon be free. He withdrew from politics and settled in Pondicherry where his intense spiritual exercises led to the development of Integral YogaThis book traces the development of Sir Aurobindo as a spiritual revolutionary and rational mystic who combined in himself the best of East and West. Sri Aurobindo :the Spiritual Revolution (Hardcover - 2002) by Chaturvedi Atuli Our Price: Rs. 95
Free India’s Role In Global Future By Sri Aurobindo
Sri Aurobindo Devotees Prayer Group: Writing of Savithri Episode, Sri Annai Meditation Centre, Tatabad, 10 a.m. Engagements - In Coimbatore Today RELIGION The Hindu Tuesday, Aug 05, 2008
Till 13th August Exhibition of paintings on silk Daily 8-12.30 & 2-7 pm Exhibition "Miniatures" by Firooza ::: Pitanga ::: Tue ::: 8:00 AM
Tuesdays 3–4 pm: “Cultivating Concentration”, led by Jai Singh. 5-6 pm: Savitri study in Tamil, led by Bhuvana and Sudarshan Savitri Bhavan current program REGULAR COURSES Auroville
Sri Aurobindo Ashram Library Western classical music is played every Tuesday and Friday starting at 8.30 pm. Phone: +91413 2334648 Timings: 7.30 am - 11.30 am, 2.00 pm - 4.45 pm
Sri Aurobindo Ashram, Puducherry On Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday there is a collective meditation around the samadhi from 7.25 pm to 7.50 pm. This is open to everyone. No pass is required.
nandivarman.rediffiland.com/ After all he is not only a Kashmiri but also is a head of a Foundation that is preaching Human Unity. Will Dr.Karan Singh lead a Peace March with all his foreign friends in Auroville from Jammu to Kashmir and usher in human unity in his home territory. Time has come for acid test. All the Foreign Saints that had descended in Auroville are having Super minds and are Super Men. The Government of India must utilize their expertise to preach and practice human unity in Kashmir valley. The Kashmir Palace owned by Dr.Karan Singh is only getting 64,000 rupees monthly rent, as lamented by Dr.Karan Singh in a TV Channel. The Government of India through Auroville Foundation acquire that Palace and airlift some or all Foreign Saints who want to build moneyless economy in Auroville to go to Kashmir and carry out their experiments. Their presence is needed only in Kashmir where human unity had become a dream of past...
Land to Tiller is not only a Kashmiri problem. In Tamilnadu too we want land to the tiller, and Dr.Karan Singh must have the maturity to accept the fact that land to Tamils is the natural law, instead of becoming an advocate to get land to imported foreigners.
Diary of Nandhi Varman - Tuesday 5 August, 2008 http://nandivarman.rediffiland.com/ Category: Politics Permalink

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