overman foundation date
2 February 2011 17:17 subject
From Overman Foundation: The Mother’s First Essay

Dear Friends,
February is the month in which, on the 21st, the Mother’s birthday is celebrated in the Aurobindonian community. To commemorate the said occasion, we would publish from this week onwards till the 28th of February a number of documents related to the Mother’s life and works every week as tributes.
Today we are starting our series of tributes to the Mother by publishing the first essay titled The Path of Later On which She had penned as a young girl of fifteen in 1893. To read the essay, please click on the following link:
With warm regards, Anurag Banerjee
Chairman, Overman Foundation.
From: overman foundation Date: 30 January 2011 12:14 Subject: From Overman Foundation: Sri Aurobindo’s Messages on the assassination of Mahatma Gandhi
Dear Friends,
Dear Friends,
On 30 January 1948 Mahatma Gandhi was assassinated at Birla House, New Delhi . On the said occasion, Sri Aurobindo had issued two statements. The first one was a telegram dated 4 February 1948 which was sent to Mr. Kumbi of Gadag, in reply to his telegram “DARKNESS SORROW SPREADS FAST INDIA BAPUJI DEATH CHILDREN PRAY MESSAGE’. It was later released to the newspapers. The second message was sent to All India Radio, Tiruchirapalli, on 5 February 1948 in response to a request for a message.
We take the opportunity of sharing these two messages with you. To read the two messages, please click on the following link:
With warm regards, Anurag Banerjee
Chairman, Overman Foundation.
From: overman foundation Date: 5 January 2011 17:19 Subject: From Overman Foundation: Publication of The Alipore Bomb Trial Judgment.
Dear Friends,
It gives me immense pleasure to announce that on 30 December 2010 Overman Foundation has published its first research project in English, the unabridged version of the Alipore Bomb Trial Judgment rendered by C. P. Beachcroft on 6 May 1909.
A portion of this judgment emphasizing mostly on Sri Aurobindo was published in the book, “The Alipore Bomb Trial” edited by B. K. Bose in 1922. But it is only through this publication of Overman Foundation that the complete judgment of the Alipore Bomb Trial has seen the light of the day. Not only will this book help the students of history but also the students of law.
Compiled and edited by Shri Anurag Banerjee, this e-book consisting of 149 pages is priced Rs. 50 (fifty) only. Those who would like to place an order may write to us at the following email addresses:
With warm regards, Anurag Banerjee
Chairman, Overman Foundation.
Chairman, Overman Foundation.
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