Sunday, May 20, 2007

Give up lower desires for higher desires

One cannot suppress desire. One cannot ignore desire. One cannot kill desire because it is indeed timeless. The moment, the infant suckles his mother’s breast, he has embraced desire. Desire has no beginning, yet it has an end. The end of desire is the end of ignorance. Desire stems from ignorance of our real nature, which is ever free. Desire is only extinguished with the dawn of the knowledge of our real nature.
Sri Aurobindo said “desire is the helper, desire is also the final barrier”
The SOLUTION is thus, to give up lower desires for higher desires. The lower basal and carnal desires that bind, are to be given up for higher desires. Desire to be selfish and desire to help the world are both rooted in ignorance. Yet, the desire to serve this world is infinitesimally higher than the desire to gratify the selfish desires of the flesh. The former illuminates our path, the latter causes bondage to the darkness of ignorance. sunkan

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