This book is not about Hindu nationalism in power but as a social and political movement and its aim is to encourage a more informed understanding of an idea that will remain relevant in Indian life far beyond victories and defeats in ...
(2015), About Savitri. Pondicherry: Sri Aurobindo Ashram Press. SriAurobindo. (1997a), Essays Divine and Human. ... Visual Piety of the Mother and Sri Aurobindo and St. Clare and St. Francis,” Journal of HinduChristian Studies 28:11–32.
Sri Aurobindo was an Indian nationalist, philosopher, yogi, guru, and poet. This book is an enquiry into the integral philosophy of Aurobindo and its contemporary relevance.
... fascinating and many-faceted characters of the freedom movement—a writer and poet, a revolutionary dreaming of driving the British out of India, and then a famous Hindu mystic. Aurobindo Ghose was born on 15 August 1872 in Calcutta.
Wendy Doniger, Martha C. Nussbaum - 2015 - Preview - More editions
Interfaith Council.11 The economic and political clout of the Hindudiaspora notwithstanding, my discussion here will highlight ... A selected list of these various entities includes Shri Aurobindo's Centers;13 Bochasanwasi Shree Akshar ...
It is of Hindu origin, but is also used in other Dharmic religions, such as Buddhism. ... Interestingly enough, as we have seen, Sri Aurobindo (late 1800s and early 1900s) was a political activist for the first part of his adult life, and then a spiritual ...
Plasim Radar
The Mind Behind the Mind, Part 3 - There remain two issues to clear up in a review of the existence of a “mind behind the mind”. The first of these relates to whether the evolution of this ..
Integral Yoga & Human Defects (IV) : What About Psychoanalysis Today ? - I recommend to all those who can read English the great cascade of comments posted yesterday by my psychologist friend Don Salmon who lives in the USA. All...
The Myth of Narcissus and Echo Revisited - Christopher Lasch published his book The Culture of Narcissism in 1979. It has occurred to me to ask just how far this culture of narcissism can actually d...
Mothers of the disappeared in Lebanon - The mothers, through their politics of presence . . . become mediators between the state and the absentee, negotiating the very meaning of state and citi...
Vama Marg is individualistic - Assorted tweets: A sensory sociology of the future: Affect, hope and inventive methodologies, by @rcecoleman
Filmy Musings: Amar Prem (and a painting at home) - I have this lovely, vibrant, colourful painting at my home. This water colour titled “Love Blooms” is done by my sister. It looks exquisite in a white si...
“A Theology of Failure” on the Magnificast - I recently went on The Magnificast to talk about my book: you can listen to the episode on Spotify, though it should also be available via your local podca...
A manifesting instrument of the Divine Shakti in her works - Your only object in action shall be to serve, to receive, to fulfil, to become a manifesting instrument of the Divine Shakti in her works.” Sri Aurobindo,...
Kant’s quantitative individualism - This post is not about Indian philosophy until its last paragraph. However, it is a direct response to a comment made here on the IPB, so I thought IPB rea...
Kant’s quantitative individualism - In response to my discussion a while ago of the problems between Buddhism and qualitative individualism, Patrick O’Donnell suggested that … Continue readin...
Sanjukta Paul on Uber - In a previous post, we looked at Sanjukta Paul's theory that 'coordination rights' are created by Law and thus should be allocated in the public interest. ...
The Law of Vital Worlds, pp. 178-179 - Each world is governed by its own inherent and intrinsic law. Its beings and creatures as well as those who act under its influence come under this law a...
Theology of Nature Templeton research proposal, shelved : ( - Several weeks ago, I submitted a proposal for a Templeton Foundation research fellowship called “God and the Book of Nature: Science-engaged Theology of Na...
Companion to ‘The Secret of the Veda’ by Mukund Ainapure - Companion to ‘The Secret of the Veda’ The Companion to The Secret of the Veda is meant as an aid to the systematic study of The Secret of the Veda for th...
- Weimar Republic & the Phenomenology of Being Episode 30 of the Iphigenia Inquiry with Philip Armstrong.
India is variety personified - Mirage of a strong state is not a reality. *Making of a strong state is the reality and reality need not get confined to existing or established labels or...
Geography and nature teach the primacy of diversity - Tweets in original by @SavitriEraParty and @NathTusar Five hundred years back, Copernicus was struggling to prove that planets are revolving around the Sun...
A Series Inspired by India’s Rebirth – 3 - Author: Beloo Mehra (2019). Published under the title ‘When Young India Awakes’ in Sri Aurobindo’s Action, Vol. 50 (2 & 3), pp. 16-19. Continued from Part ...
Kusum-ben Nagda: In Memoriam by Anurag Banerjee - Dear Friends, On Sunday, 12 May 2019, one of the senior-most inmates of the Sri Aurobindo Ashram community as well as one of its most loved members breathe...
The Nature of Matter in Indian Thought – M S Srinivasan - In our earlier discussions on the nature of matter, we have studied in some details. The discoveries of New Physics in the series of articles, The Nature ...
Konttho (Bengali Film) review - If you have had a smoker in your family you will appreciate this film more than those who don’t know what it is to see someone destroy himself with cigaret...
24th April Special - Newness of the New World - by Aryadeep - Today, 99 years ago, the Mother returned to Pondicherry for good. As I have often done in the past, I present here certain interesting things to mark the ...
Monthly updates and newsletter articles - From Jan 2019 we will not be updating this blog. Please refer to our website at For newsletters and articles, please r...
Nietzsche or Emerson say to be more individual, Kant tells us to be more universal - Plasim Radar Lab of Evolution Yoga Intégral & Défauts Humains (III): Sri Aurobindo sur la Psychanalyse - NOTE DE SATPREM SUR LE PASSAGE DE “L’AGENDA DE MÈ...
Sensory inputs turn us into robots -Assorted tweets: Debates prior to Sri Aurobindo must be understood for locating him properly. [Where Nietzsche or Emerson say to be more individual, Kant t...
Meritocracy makes the successful feel entitled and absolves the greedy of guilt - Basic purpose of Indian Constitution is to orient every person of an ethos transcending narrow boundaries like region or religion. This boils down to an i...
Vedic mantras were articulated long before the Hindus - The irony of disowning one’s culture It is not wise to confuse the treasures of our heritage with the Hindu religion as it is understood and interpreted to...
Geography and nature teach the primacy of diversity - Tweets in original by @SavitriEraParty and @NathTusar Five hundred years back, Copernicus was struggling to prove that planets are revolving around the Sun...
My original contributions to understanding Sri Aurobindo - My original contributions to understanding or interpreting Sri Aurobindo can be summarised under a number of heads: 1) Against Hindutva, Mythology, & Astro...
Assorted tweets:
14) Hymns 83 - 89 (Verses 909 - 978): Description of Rig-Veda, Mandala 01, Sukta 083 to 089 (including the famous Swasti vachanas or the words of well being); with #SriAurobindo's words on the necessity of establishing a philological basis for His psychological theory
15) Hymns 90 - 95 (Verses 979 - 1,067): Description of Rig-Veda, Mandala 01, Sukta 090 to 095 (including a joint prayer to Agni and Soma); with #SriAurobindo's words on the necessity of establishing a philological basis for His psychological theory
Pushing a narrative and telling the right thing are two different things. Obviously, people are driven by material gains and no escape from such compulsions. Sri Aurobindo, however, provides diverse perspectives to sense current priorities and imperatives.
Savitri Era Open Forum: Sri Aurobindo's vision of a world union of free nations
Savitri Era Political Action: Sri Aurobindo points out that the real evolutionary force is supramental
Posted by Tusar Nath Mohapatra at Location: Shipra Riviera, Indirapuram, Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh 201014, India
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