Book launch Calcutta Telegraph
Attend the Mother's 132nd birth anniversary at Sri Aurobindo Institute of Culture, 10.30am. Drop in for Love All— The Sports Quiz, at Space Circle, 4pm. ... Finally, Mahayogi Sri Aurobindo in his birthday message on 15th August 1947, said- “India today became free bust she has not achieved Unity… The old communal division into Hindus and Muslims seems now to have hardened into permanent ...
condition of the yoga, but the liberation and transformation of the human being. It is not personal Ananda, but the bringing down of the divine Ananda – Christ's kingdom of heaven, our Satyayuga – upon the earth.” by Sri Aurobindo ...
What's the point blaming Pakistan when we are responsible for electing such spineless politicians? Sri Aurobindo wrote a series of impassioned articles under the title New Lamps for the Old pouring vitriol on the Congress for its moderate policy in 1902.
"Our actual enemy is not any force exterior to ourselves, but our own crying weaknesses, our cowardice, our selfishness, our hypocrisy, our purblind sentimentalism" Further adding, "I say, of the Congress, then, this, that its aims are mistaken, that the spirit in which it proceeds towards their accomplishment is not a spirit of sincerity and whole-heartedness, and that the methods it has chosen are not the right methods, and the leaders in whom it trusts, not the right sort of men to be leaders; - in brief, that we are at present the blind led, if not by the blind, at any rate by the one-eyed."
Today of course, it applies to all shameless political parties existing in our country. Nothing has changed since then. What a pity!
2010 February 06 « Sri Aurobindo Studies
Sri Aurobindo asks “And if man be the inhabitant of terrestrial existence through whom that transformation of the mental into the supramental can at last be ... kelamuni has left a new comment on your post "Kelamuni unimpressed by Sri Aurobindo": hi tusar, it's not that i'm unimpressed with aurobindo, or than i am consciously ignoring him. the fact is, i was hoping to deal with aurobindo's more philosophical version of neo-vedanta after having given my account of vivekananda's. for this reason, there have been no detailed descriptions or analyses of aurobindo's thought in my blogs, only cursory references. cheers.
Posted by kelamuni to Savitri Era at 12:59 PM, February 16, 2010 bijan ghosh advocate supreme court has left a new comment on your post "Intellectual Property theft committed by Peter Hee...":
This man, Peter is the same person, who is the master mind in mutilating Savitri, the mantra of Supramental Transformation, then also this Manoj and company sailed together in the same boat. Devotees through out the world should join together with Gitanjali to fight for Truth Posted by bijan ghosh advocate supreme court to Savitri Era Open Forum at 3:40 PM, February 12, 2010 He who would bring the heavens here
Must descend himself into clay
And the burden of earthly nature bear
And tread the dolorous way.
- Sri Aurobindo
What book have you been wanting to read? by Balasundaram ... By sanmugan
"Bharatha Sakthi Maha Kaavya" , an epic in Tamil wirtten by 'Kavi Yogi, Sudhdhananda Bharathi, who was so closer to Aurobidho of Auroville. The then Russian government offered him a huge amount of money as an award for that work. ... Circumsolatious: The Void where Thought was Born By Lori Tompkins
You have finally understood this when you write ' used them [the Ashram, Auroville andMatrimandir] as objective examples of the development of their cosmos.' This is accurate. Time and again I have sustained that the keys to the ... Final Week! « By karidaniel
At the center of Auroville is a Golden dome called the Matrimandir, which is a symbol of the Divine's answer to man's inspiration for perfection. Nantha, one of the Incoming India Team members, was the perfect guide for us that day ... TN police in Pondy after terror threat Express Buzz
On Sunday, the birth anniversary of Mother Mirra Alfassa, extra protection including metal detectors and sniffer dogs were provided to the Ashram with more ... TN police in Pondy Puducherry is frequented by foreign nationals, because of its French connection and Sri AurobindoAshram and Auroville. The police department has geared up ... Now, Pondy on terror radar Palkhivala and The Constitution of India « LAW RESOURCE INDIA By lawreports
Shri Aurobindo was his favourite writer and thinker whose writings greatly attracted him. Palkhivala embodied the concept of plain living and high thinking. Success did not go to his head. Fame and fortune did not increase the hat size ... Wadias: Gujarat's philanthropic architects Times of India
Known as the French gardens, the meeting of the Indian National Congress took place here, whenAurobindo Ghosh and Subhash Chandra Bose visited Surat. ... All choice: Remembering The Mother By Barindranath Chaki
And for this advent of the supramental being, Sri Aurobindo says that Man has to ascend from Mind to various higher levels of Mind, and then to the Supermind. Man has to go through the ways of Transformation. ... Real Top Listing Blog » Blog Archive » Money stories By woowee
India has been the womb for many great revolutions and great people like Mahatma Gandhi, Buddha, Swami Vivekananda, Sri Aurobindo, Sri Sathya Sai, and many more. This is not by accident, it is a well-planned Divine intervention and the list of ..... At Savitri Era, however, the present is very much the concern. Poetry is integral to Mirror of Tomorrow, as is post-modernism to Posthuman Destinies. Savitri Era, in contrast, unabashedly flirts with politics...
Rainbow Stamp Club: Great Peronalities - Mother Pondicherry By Jeevan Jyoti
Auroville is the materialization of Mother's dream to have a common place for spiritual aspirants without the difficulty for food and shelter. Auroville or 'City Of Dawn' houses above 2000 people at present .The Matrimandir in Auroville ... Ikebana and us: Sogetsu Exhibitions! By flowergirl
Auroville -the exhibition hall. At Auroville - For 5 Days ay "Hall Of Light" in CREATIVITY. Its on! Until February 26th, 9 am to 12:30 and 2-5:30pm. A group of us from Chennai visited, and what a lovely day it was! Inspiring Ikebana, ... Shenbagam (Magnolia champaca, Champak) It was a juvenile hello, very juvenile, remember.
Sat-Chit-Ananda Cause and Pervade the Universal Manifestation ... By sriaurobindostudies
We thus are able to conclude that Sat (Existence), Chit (Consciousness) and Ananda (Delight or Bliss) are the source, support and cause of all manifested existence and they pervade all that is. reference: SriAurobindo, The Life Divine, ... Mirror of Tomorrow :: 21: The Yoga of the Cells by the Mother By RY Deshpande
As the process becomes more and more perfect, more and more integral, total, leaving nothing behind—it is the victory over death. Not that the dissolution of cells which death represents does not exist, but it will exist only when it ... A critique of the book "The Lives of Sri Aurobindo
" by Peter Heehs ... By Raman Reddy
What a wonderful pot-pourri will
Auroville be if it follows his advice? It only shows that he has never worked in a collectivity where certain rules have to be followed voluntarily, and if you don't, you are supposed to make a voluntary
... Savitri Era: Ask everyone to just unite and not quarrel
[Mr Tusar, I am a follower of the works of Sri Aurobindo and was hoping to visit the ashram soon and learn more about him. But there are so many controversies going on about the ashram on the internet that I am find it hard to feel ... It’s pleasing to know that there are thinkers in my country keeping the great culture alive. Even I’m a published Hindi poet. To catch a glimpse of my work, visit- Keep Walking… India - Auroville - 2010: Village Visit By Peter Choate
Peter Choate: Normally of Calgary, Alberta, Canada: A somewhat late 50's guy who, along with his amazing wife, is taking a 3 month break in beautiful Auroville India. View my complete profile ... The Middle Stage By Chandrahas
Last summer I happened to be in Pondicherry, and took the opportunity extended by Badrinath
's daughter, the novelist Tulsi Badrinath
, to see him at his residence in Auroville, where he had been living in relative solitude for several ... Bruisbol met veertjes: as long as they were happy... By Farahilde
Even in Auroville I hear the phrase over and over again "as long as they had a happy life". A happy life seems a legitimation for killing. It really makes no sense to me. It came up during an interview with an Aurovillian girl, ... » Mothers International School : India News By vijay
The Mother's International School is situated in the midst of the sylvan surroundings of Sri AurobindoAshram (Delhi Branch) Campus on Sri Aurobindo Marg. The school is an English-medium co-educational institution affiliated to the ... "Collective Yoga" - Introductory workshop on the Integral Yoga of Sri Aurobindo and the ... General introduction to the Integral Yoga and its practice. ...
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CERAMIC CONE STAND INCLUDED Natural Incense Cones Pondicherry Natural Incense, made in India at the Sri Aurobindo Ashram, is created from the pure extract of herbs, roots, barks and petals. Friendly to the environment, each fragrance ... On Saturday, the 20th of February 2010 there was a Tibetan Dance Performance by visiting students from Dharamsala and Chennai and the Bharat Nivas Auditorium was full of curious people. Before the main dance performance the audience could listen to Nandita Di and children from Auroville, who welcomed the student performers with three Hindustani Vocals: Mother's Mantra, Sri Aurobindo's Mantra and a song called Tin Tin. The singing was accompanied by Debashish Das with the tabla. Here you can listen to the three songs.
SWEET VOICES Written by Marlenka Tuesday, 23 February 2010 AurovilleRadio The news today features an excerpt of the sweet voices from a few of the young Aurovilian children who chanted, prior to the Tibetan Dance Performance of students from Dharamsala and Chennai, which took place last Saturday night at the Sri Aurobindo Auditorium at Bharat Nivas. Also in the news an excerpt from probably one of the first interviews about Auroville with architect Roger Anger (appointed by the Mother). It's a look at the original dream for this City of Dawn.
“The ideas I stand for are not mine. I borrowed them from Socrates. I swiped them from Chesterfield. I stole them from Jesus. And I put them in a book. If you don’t like their rules, whose would you use?”
“Who was Dale Carnegie
?” you may wonder. Well, he was a guy that was born 110 years ago. He died in 1955. He was a rich man, a very successful man. He wrote a little book called “How to Win Friends and Influence People
”. It went on to sell over 30 million copies. It still sells today and is probably one of the best books on how to improve your social skills.