Wednesday, November 30, 2005

The Children of Crystal Vibration

The Mother and Sri Aurobindo felt that it could take another 300 years for conditions on Earth to be ready for supramental beings to incarnate. However, it seems to be clear to many observers that a transitional species is already here. Are these the ones that are being variously called the Indigo children, the Crystal Children, or the Children of Oz? Are these the ones who will launch humanity into a new era of consciousness, laying the groundwork for the emergence of the new species? Are these the ones that Sri Aurobindo so beautifully writes about?
I have known many, like myself, who have been on the path what has been termed "ascension.” We have done our inner work, we have cleansed our bodies, we have meditated, talked with angels and ascended masters, tried to build our "lightbodies,” expand our "merkabahs,” re-strand our DNA, and otherwise court physical immortality in every way imaginable . Still, we are susceptible to disease, and our bodies continue to age. There is much in our subconscious that is still unresolved, and we are still karmically tied into the planetary unconscious realms where reside the mighty illusions of darkness, falsehood, suffering and death.
Perhaps we are taking on a role that isn’t ours to take...yet. Perhaps we are to dream these possibilities and plant the seeds of hope, and others will come afterwards who will achieve these dreams and manifest these realities. The Mother claims that the supramental realms were first unified into her cellular body, and therefore the "mindfields" of the Earth on February 29, 1956. The Dream that is already present in the Supramental worlds was seeded into mass consciousness at that time, and each generation succeeds in taking it further. As our children and our children’s children complete their roles in healing the Earth, healing the splits between spirit and matter, and the ancient suffering we have borne as a result of this split, perhaps we will return as their children in the not so distant future in newly supramentalized bodies of light!
On a more immediate level, who are these new kids? What is their promise? Their minds think differently, their emotional bodies process feelings differently, their energy bodies are capable of holding stronger soul vibrations, and they have a new vision to share. They do not fit into mainstream society. Many of them appear to have special psychic and healing abilities, and need special support to control and develop these gifts. Drunvalo Melchizedek distinguishes between the Indigo children and the Super-Psychic children, whom I prefer to call the Violet children. Jimmy Twyman, in Emissary of Love, calls them Children of Oz, and speaks eloquently of his own experiences with this latter group, and the message they wish to share with the world.
As I see it, the Indigo children generally seem to range in age from the twenties into the forties, or even older, and includes the current generation of "lightworkers,” while the Violet children are younger, and carry a different mandate. The Violet kids do not need to read any of this to know what’s real. They are linked mind to mind in a global psychic link-up that reflects a new fifth-dimensional morphogenetic grid on Earth. In future generations, they may be the first to step into what Sri Aurobindo envisioned as "supramental consciousness.” They are also becoming known as the Crystal Children.
Steve Rother ( has been communicating for many years with a group of light beings who very fittingly call themselves The Group. They speak of the New Planet Earth that is coming, and also have a lot to say about these Crystal children. According to them, the Indigos came to shake up our old paradigms and to make room for the next wave in evolution, the 'Children of Crystal Vibration'. At the beginning of their messages in 1996, the Group said that if we could make the planet safe for their return they would come. Apparently, despite outward experiences, the planet must be getting safer, for recently they have said that the Crystal kids are starting to enter. The following selections are drawn from Steve Rother’s internet site, where the unabridged version is available at This information resonates with me deeply, and also seems to harmonize with Sri Aurobindo and the Mother’s understandings of our future evolution.
At first, Crystal Children will tend to gather in groups where they can hold space for each other. They will form groups and grow together supporting each other energetically. They will do it all by themselves so parents of Crystal children will not need to worry about finding the best environment for their children. Expect to see groups of 'magical children' with abilities that exceed far beyond the norm you have known.
Sri Aurobindo and the Mother felt from their own experiences that the Supramental Earth now already exists in a different dimension than our own. Perhaps we might call this the Fifth Dimension. They felt that all that was needed to bring this dimension into planetary experience was to build the bridges. Perhaps the Crystal Children are the bridges. In time, as this consciousness deepens upon Earth, as they find each other and learn to work within the old structures of Earth, as the old structures give way to new structures that will sustain them and sustain supramental life upon the Earth, we might find ourselves at the threshold of a Collective Planetary Shift. The Sun-Eyed Children are the inheritors of this New Dawn!
Sourced from the website of Please visit our site and explore the secrets of your life through the amazing spiritual science of Nadi Astrology and view the great selection of articles on a broad range of topics. Author: Kiara Windrider:

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