Saturday, June 25, 2022

Sri Aurobindo criticised limited Hinduism

 Collated by Tusar Nath Mohapatra, Founder, Savitri Era Party, Savitri Era Religion, & #SavitriEra Learning Forum (SELF)

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K Wilber
… The essays in Part Two of this book, originally written as independent articles, are
meant to serve chiefly as an aid in understanding Sri Aurobindo's own writings
contained in the anthology. They do not purport to be my expositions of Sri …

3 days ago — Standing at Thy Altar O Lord Supreme : Pledge Song to Sri Aurobindo and The Mother by PED A beautiful Audio on Sri Aurobindo and The Mother written by ...

ଚିତ୍ତ ଭାଇଙ୍କ ଉପରେ ଅନାଦି ଭାଇଙ୍କ ଦ୍ୱାରା କିଛି ଗୁରୁତ୍ୱପୂର୍ଣ୍ଣ ତଥ୍ୟ [Sri Maa || Sri Aurobindo Pathachakra || Topic: ଆତ୍ମା ପରିପୂର୍ଣ୍ଣତାର ମନୋବିଜ୍ଞାନ...] via

Gustav Hermann Krumbiegel

GH Krumbiegel

Gustav Hermann Krumbiegel (18 December 1865–8 February 1956) was a German
botanist and garden designer who was best known for his work at the Lal Bagh
Botanical Gardens in Bangalore and for the planning of the avenues of Bangalore …


JS WARAH - 2022

… Sri Aurobindo presents Integral Yoga as a method of redemption from the vicious
circle of our ordinary human existence. For Sri … This can only be done fully in the
physical, according to Maharshi Aurobindo, when the physical life is entirely …

Oh, in my view, he is the greatest philosopher of the last century from India, and at the risk of offending many people, greater than even Sri Aurobindo in some respects. His philosophy is deeper than any other I have ever read, with perhaps a single exception of Loren Eiseley.

1. Hindu View of Christianity and Islam – Part 1 Hindus don’t realize but their own religion, culture, society & civilization is interpreted by others. And not just indifferent others. The story of Hindu dharma is being told by its worst enemies: the monotheists.

1. How Christianity created the lethal blend of Prophetic Monotheism Hindu View of Christianity and Islam – Part 2 Shri Ram Swarup explains how the lethal blend of Prophetic Monotheism was created by Christianity. Judaism wasn't particular on conversion. Christianity added it.

Orchid & the rose: Deirdre Barrett [As animals we are genetically almost identical to our Stone Age ancestors. We live in advanced societies with supermarkets but we are built to be hunter-gatherers. We are programmed to seek out fat, sugar, starch & salt]

Self-discovery is never ending, there is no perfection in manifestation and super-mind by aurobindo was an attempt to explain Maya. BTW the author doesn't even know the difference between Shruti & Drishti. And tapas to him would be standing on one leg for thousand years

Sri Aurobindo sought to dismantle the formidable formulations forged by Marx, Nietzsche, and Freud whom Paul Ricouer later termed as the Masters of Suspicion. Darwin can be added to make it a gang ol four. The way Sri Aurobindo has integrated evolution with religion is pioneering

He has not read Sri Aurobindo but has commented that RS is a greater philosopher than SA. A student similarly certifies that his teacher is the greatest scholar and can commit no wrong. Such tomfoolery is amusing but unfortunate as the tendency to disregard learning is vehement.

There is absence of Sharnagati in their lives which is what makes one a Darshanik. (Some like Sri Aurobindo atleast recognized this later in life)

Duffer is a very polite way of describing what they really are. The entire "atheist" lot 'creates' a God every time they open their mouths to diss the (Abrahamic) creationists.

Replying to
Sir That's the conclusion drawn from Sri Aurobindo too. He was wise to use the term Sanatan 'Dharma' and criticised Hindus who believed in the limited Hindu'ism'.