Sunday, January 02, 2022

The Mother & Sri Aurobindo are the Supreme Divine and are One

Collated by Tusar Nath Mohapatra, Founder, Savitri Era Party, Savitri Era Religion, & #SavitriEra Learning Forum (SELF)

Auroville's unique decision-making process is collaborative, participatory and inclusive. The Residents' Assembly is central to this process, but its functions are being threatened and subverted.
To bring everyone up do date with Auroville's Master Plan Crown Road discussion. We will have all kinds of inspired development to look forward to expressing around this circular Crown Road. #Auroville #ManifestingAuroville #AurovilleFoundation
Release of a special cover on the occasion of 150th anniversary of Sri Aurobindo at Sambalpur Head Post Office in presence of Shri Manoj Kumar, PMG, Sambalpur and other dignitaries.
Listen to "How Can I Understand True Spiritual Humility" by Sri Aurobindo Studies.
Check out my latest article: The Foundations of Indian Culture And the Renaissance in India - By Sri Aurobindo | POST 12 via
Jugal Kishore Mukherjee, Jugal Da as we knew him, was the in charge of our Higher Course. He taught sciences but later taught exclusively the Major works of Sri Aurobindo Jugal da was a student of Satyendra Nath Bose and we were quite awestruck by that fact as students
Twitter has long lost its elitism, plus, terrorists are active here. Apart from my serious posts on Sri Aurobindo, which nobody reads , I enjoy myself joking (not trolling) wid all whose comments amuse me. It is not addictive like fb. Coz I m unknown! Replying to
Twitter has long lost its elitism. Just smile away these things without being hard on them.
And you still think the Communists are dead in Bengal ? They are the cleverest guerrilla fighters in Bengal politics!!!!
Clarifying the Mother's dream #Auroville
Know the truth about Auroville from a topclass architect. #SriAurobindo #TheMother
IPTA (Indian People's Theatre Association) was & remains the cultural front of Communist Party . Check Shabana Azmi and she is an active proponent of IPTA. It was under the communist ideology that Writers like Kaifi and even Shahir Ludhianvi supported created of pakistan..
Brilliant thread. I’m glad I was only exposed to Aurobindo later in life because I would have no appreciation for his writing and ideas say a decade ago
Darshan Message distributed in Sri Aurobindo Ashram Pondicherry on the occasion of New Year. It has beautiful words of The Mother about how one can age but not grow old.
The Mother & Sri Aurobindo are the Supreme Divine and are One. Don't call them as Avatar because that's old formulation. Don't compare them with famous personalities or give much importance to those associated with them. Don't try to understand them through their writings alone.
The new religion of The Mother & Sri Aurobindo is verily a revolution
Savitri Era Learning Forum: Disenchantment and Sri Aurobindo Savitri Era Govt. takeover has altered the original intention behind its creation. #Auroville must be redesigned as a place for temporary stay by the devotees from all over the world.
Savitri Era Open Forum: Stop peddling a secular avatar of Auroville to tourists Collated by Tusar Nath Mohapatra, Founder, Savitri Era Party, Savitri Era Religion, & #SavitriEra Learning Forum. Savitri Era of those who adore, Om Sri Aurobindo & The Mother.
Reimagining and Refashioning Integral Management Tusar Nath Mohapatra ତୁଷାରନାଥ ମହାପାତ୍ର Nitte Management Review Abstract This paper ventures to provide an alternative understanding of human psychology drawn from the philosophical insights of Sri Aurobindo.
Savitri Era Open Forum: Auroville flare-up overshadowed 150th birth anniversary Collated by Tusar Nath Mohapatra, Founder, Savitri Era Party, Savitri Era Religion, & #SavitriEra Learning Forum. Savitri Era of those who adore, Om Sri Aurobindo & The Mother.