Friday, September 18, 2020

Encouragement of a purer sattwic element

In 1665 Cambridge University closed because of plague. Isaac Newton retreated to rural Lincolnshire. During his 2 years in lockdown he worked out calculus, the true meaning of colour, gravitation, planetary orbits & the 3 Laws of Motion. Will 2020 be someone’s Annus Mirabilis?

He also pursued his theology, which he was more passionate about even than his 'principia mathematica'! 'This most beautiful system of the sun, planets, and comets, could only proceed from the counsel and dominion of an intelligent Being.'

His theology was vacuous and added nothing not said centuries before, and nothing to progress understanding. That's why theology's best today is still the same inane arguments from design put forth 1000 years ago and shredded by Hume and Kant.

Right. Except that Newton was an Epicurian/Lucretian/Brunoist/Spinozist type. Christians claiming him as some great theist are historically WRONG.

Gave a 2 1/2 hour lecture (probably the longest I've ever done) on Nietzsche and the Death of God today (via zoom), managed to fit in McLuhan, Sloterdijk, Altizer, and Jung's responses as well, and also some Nietzsche-inspired muzak.

“If we are to think, we do need an ego first, but behind the ego that I immediately know– which I posited– there is another ego rearing up; I do not know this latter ego, which uses me as its eye, as it were. This unknown ego that looks through me is called God.”
“When a creative type passes away, the agitated world pauses for a second & meditates on the conveyance of a work in progress into the global archive. During this meditative second we are closer to the phenomenon of the twilight of the gods than we would otherwise be”
“For the citizens of modernity, theological enlightenment – which is completely different from an instinctive rejection of religion – will be a fateful task.”
-Sloterdijk, ‘After God’

"Klages identifies intellect with the spirit. But intellect is a human business while the spirit is no human business; it is a principle which we do not make. It makes us, it seizes us. And spirit is by no means an enemy of life; it is a dynamic condition, like anything."
1/2 fair to Klages:"We are inclined to see the decisive deed of the spirit not in the act of apprehension, but in that of will, & to use it as the standpoint from which to understand spirituality itself, that is, the essence of consciousness, & to posit vitality as its reflection
“of a few things I do not want to remain silent; namely human beings who were missing everything except the one thing they have too much of– human beings who are nothing more than one big eye, or one big maw or some other big thing – inverse cripples I call such types”
Really reminded me of McLuhan, especially with the description of the Ear-man that follows. Maybe Neech was more of a media ecologist than recognized.
If you believe in doing Sādhana over multiple lives, it is fine. 😀 Besides, the beauty of Sanskrit is the effect on the mind. It cools it down through the vibrations of the inner voice when we read the texts.
Of course, Sanskrit can be treated as an independent language in it’s own right. And people can study that separately. But memorizing thousands of tense and case endings just to speak a sentence will be hard for novices. Why should we insist on making this hard journey for all?

Those who are drawn towards the vortex of Sanskrit texts in their youthful enthusiasm are inviting trouble for all their life. One text will lead to another and then multiple commentaries etc. would rob many pleasures and cause vertigo. Sri Aurobindo's English translations safer.
Promoting Sanskrit means bondage with the past. Absurd mythology, politically incorrect glorifications, and archaic grammar rules etc. Modern Indian languages have successfully negotiated present challenges and are infinitely better to be given priority. So no Sanskrit in school. -Savitrieraparty

The Human Cycle: The Psychology of Social Development by Sri Aurobindo. U.S. edition published by Lotus Press
The Superman: an Evolutionary Leap Is Not Limited to the Mind’s Extrapolation from Its Present Status
Universality in Action is the Law of Divine Living in the World
Distinguishing Between the Inner Life of the Introvert and the Inner Life of Spiritual Experience

~This post is extremely important for understanding Sri Aurobindo philosophically.
~one suffers not only from the repression of one’s biological drives but also can suffer from suppression of the sublime (Reddy, 1988). Soumitra Basu
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Autobiographical Notes and Other Writings of Historical Interest
Many new religions have developed around Gandhi, Nehru, Tagore, Subhas, Periyar, Ambedkar, Savarkar, et al. Facts are essential.

1920: The Mother has returned back with new experiences and renewed resolve to make the world see light. Nothing is secure not even her equations with Sri Aurobindo or his associates. ARYA has done its job; something else is needed. An experiment of living in a spiritual commune.
From 95 Theses to 22 Pledges, only the froth has been seen as profound fermentation. ARYA (1914 - 21) is a tangible event in World history which can no longer be ignored. A must read for all irrespective of prejudices against Sri Aurobindo as an escapist or inaugurator of a cult.
By writing on diverse themes in ARYA month after month for six and a half years, Sri Aurobindo built a firm foundation for a future civilisation by laying down universal principles and showing solutions for common challenges. Essential reading for negotiating ethical quandaries.
Encouragement of a purer sattwic element is the business of ethics, says Sri Aurobindo in SoY which implies that everything is not wired or predetermined. There's always a choice for redesigning the future in which the nature or the result of action don't actually matter too much
The author passed away recently

Sri Aurobindo on the meta psychology of Reason
Dissociation of consciousness--implications in psychology and yoga