- Sri Aurobindo Studies - Characteristics of Knowledge by Direct Contact of Consciousness - Sri Aurobindo continues his exploration of the first development of the powers of separative knowledge as a step away from the power of knowledge by identi...
- Mirror of Tomorrow - The Civilisational impact of Sri Aurobindo's Arrival in Pondicherry: the Politics of Marginalisation—by Anirban Ganguli - When a concerted attempted is being made, both to consign India’s past achievements and evolution to the waste bin of history and to further fracture her ...
- Overman Foundation - Nolini Kanta Gupta’s Message for 17 November 1973 - Dear Friends, A few hours after the Mother left her physical body on 17 November 1973 at 7.25 p.m. Nolini Kanta Gupta had issued two statements. We take th...
- Posthuman Destinies - Unifying Hinduism by Andrew J. Nicholson - "An issue that has been discussed here often is the concept of Hinduism as a totalizing way to explain the rich cluster of beliefs among communities in Sou...
- Integral Yoga of Sri Aurobindo & The Mother - Similarities between Sumerian Anki and Vedic Agni by Jean-Yves Lung - A previous blog post on Kundalini examined whether the notion of Kundalini may have existed in ancient Greek and other cultures. In consonance with that th...
- A critique of the book "The Lives of Sri Aurobindo" by Peter Heehs - Ashram Trust "does not approve" of TLOSA book! - "Sri Aurobindo Ashram Trust does not approve and has nothing to do with the book entitled 'The Lives of Sri Aurobindo' written by Peter Heehs"* [The fo...