Monday, December 15, 2008

Amal Kiran’s journey still continues. He no longer writes; no longer converses much but conveys much through his silence

Aspects of Amal Kiran
By Anurag Banerjee

Amal Kiran’s journey still continues. He no longer writes; no longer converses much but conveys much through his silence. He was never afraid of death for he himself had written in a letter to his Guru in the early 1940s:

“Death by itself does not frighten me very much. I do have the normal man’s recoil from it, but my mind has a certain detachment which makes something in me rise superior to fear…Yet death does appeal to me horribly because it would cut short my spiritual growth in this life and waste the mercy that has brought me close to you and given me a grand opportunity to be your instrument. I want to live and realise what I have never ceased to regard as my true ultimate goal. Personally, I do not and cannot even believe that I shall die and not realise that goal.”

This fearlessness still exists, fostering the progress of the soul for he claimed:

“I am doing my best to live long both because I am happy and can give happiness and because I want as much time as possible to go nearer to Sri Aurobindo’s luminous Truth and the Mother’s radiant Beauty. All the same I am ready to say ‘Hurrah’ whenever they tell me, ‘Your time is up.’” (The Wonder That is K.D.Sethna alias Amal Kiran, p. 2)

Amal Kiran always craved to realize the Divine as that has been the foremost aim of his lfe. 12:28 PM

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