Thursday, July 05, 2007

A very small team of four people around Satprem: Micheline, Anne, Robert and myself

Eighteen months later, in July 1977, Satprem and me climbed the steps of the Law courts in the Island from the City in Paris to record there the official statutes of the “Institute of Evolutionary Research”, which was to ensure the publication and the diffusion of the Diary of Mother in the whole world. The day before, we had learned from the mouth of a large Parisian lawyer that the rights of the copyright of the Diary was the legitimate property of Satprem, thus opening the way with its publication apart from the good officess of Ashram. For several months, indeed, various attempts at publication within the framework of Ashram had been started, but all had failed, Satprem estimating at each time the independence and the integrity of the publication were likely to suffer from these arrangements.
From now on, the manufacture of the Diary was going to be organized within a very small team of four people around Satprem: Micheline, Anne, Robert and myself. A handle of other friends in France and India would bring their more episodical but enthusiastic contest.
It reigned, within our small group, the joy of those which discovered a galleon charged with gold at the bottom of water and which bring back the ingots from there one by one to surface… The matter of this marvellous Agenda transmuted our energies, filled up the days of the life of a sparkling without end. Although each one has precise material tasks and that work did not miss, all were gathered, linked in a kind of obvious communion around the blossoming of this Diary. There was no limit with the plans for the future considered: for a diffusion in other languages, for the creation of other “Institutes” of share the world, other “laboratories of the evolution” which would gather cough those ready with empoigner the levers of their own evolution in the light of the lesson of the Diary.
It was the time of the dream which could become reality with the turning of the way. For the centenary of Mother, in February 1978, appeared, in its beautiful red dress, the first volume of the French Diary - about at the same time when Satprem received its letter of expulsion of Ashram and settled in a new residence in Nilgiri, which would be for the years to come the nerve centre from the activity of diffusion of the Diary. In a few years of concentrated work, thirteen volumes of the French Diary were going to be born, and their publication in several other languages - Hindi, English, German, Italian, Spanish - was put in building site.
These first years were for me the occasion to establish me in my new life. I had the impression to have awaited all my existence for an occasion to give me thus, without counting, with a labour which has really a full smell - and I did not spare my sorrow! It was a complex and difficult task to transform this hundred hours of conversations, recorded on often decayed tape recorders, in text printed under the requirements of quality and precision. But our small group could have moved mountains, and ingenuity often compensated for the weakness of our means to be right of the obstacles that this enormous material work comprised.
In the course of time, and in order to face the growing extent of the task like to its geographical expansion, the small group was going to grow rich by new members: Keya, Roger, Profit, Davide, Nicole, Michel, Patrice. In addition, Satprem could also count on certain supports of the political and literary world in New Delhi and Paris.
Satprem, as for him, seemed to be everywhere at the same time: nothing escaped from its glance and its assiduity. Project superintendent and infinitely more tested than any among us as regards edition, it could however put himself at the range of each one and seemed equipped with a quasi unlimited confidence in our capacities, even if sometimes we had suddenly missed it with ourself. Its encouragements and its confidence were the essential engine of our action day labourer. Conversely, all relied to its judgement and its vision from the things for the decisions which engaged the destiny or the material future of the Diary. The only shade in this idyllic table related to its relationship with what it is necessary well to call “the Enemy”.
In spite of the group of sure and devoted friends who surrounded it - some would undoubtedly have given until their life to support it and protect it - in spite of the removal in this place splendid and protected from Nilgiri which dominated the Indian plain of a few two thousand meters, it felt continued, badgered by a whole pack with invisible enemies. It was enough to a word raised in a letter or a telegram, of a fugitive image interview in a dream to give in swing a whole gears of catastrophic imaginations and defaitists: the “unfavourable forces” were there, in the shade, ready to leap with the least fault and to destroy Work…The “crisis” lasted a few hours or a few days, during which each one retained its breath, then all returned in the order; the cloud dissolved as suddenly as it had appeared and the sun reappeared.
At the time of these “mishaps”, the new one come, the new member of the group was not long in learning, then to integrate, “the occult reality” of the work in which it or it took part. The publication of this Diary, under these conditions, would be an immense victory over the forces of Ignorance, symbolized with the first chief by notable and the leader current ones of Ashram. Satprem had the role of saving this found Treasure of the hands of those which wanted to bury it again. As a principal rampart against these forces, it was thus normal and logic which it was regularly tackled in its interior world, even if nothing never came to concretize these dangers in its external life.
We thus lived under the constant threat of a “imminent lawsuit” which were to bring Trustees of Ashram to try to recover their rights on the texts of the Diary. Or perhaps were they going to bribe some henchmen to seize the manuscripts force? Or even, since we were in India, it was not eccentric to imagine some tantric handling… By the force of the things, we had become experts occultists out of grass. Each thicket dissimulated Asura or its comparse and the conviction of our anathemas and our imprécations with carries part had of equal only their puerility.
It is perhaps wise, here, to say some words of Ashram, in order to dissipate certain misunderstandings while giving its existence and its development on the true basis which was his, and to make the share of reality and the fiction. In 1954, during a maintenance with Mother to the play-ground, a child concluded peremptorily: “Mother, you now waste your time with all these people of Ashram. ” And it answered: “But you see, from the point of view occults, it is a selection. From the external point of view, you can think that, in the world, there are people who rank much above to you (I will not contradict you), but from the point of view occults, it is a selection. ” And it added this report: “But in the bottom, to say the truth, I believe that you have a life so easy that you do not give each other much evil! Is there much among you who have really an INTENSE need to find their being psychic? of knowknowing what they are really? does what they have to make, why they are here? One lets oneself live. ” (25/8/54)
The “leave-food” will not improve with time, as it entrusted it to Satprem a few years later: “There is much - much - which thinks that I will die and who completely make preparations not to be on the paving stone when I leave: all that, I know it… There are people… oh! they would wish almost that I from go away, because it is for them a constraint. They say it very frankly to me: “As long as you are there, we are obliged to make yoga, but we do not want to make yoga, we want to live quiet; and then if you are not there any more, eh well, we will not have to think any more of yoga”! ” (22/4/61)
A process of rotting was committed which will see its apogee in 1972-73: “Ashram does not belong to me any more. Since I do not leave any more, people think that Mère does not deal with nothing, it knows anything… It would be necessary to remake another Ashram with perhaps ten people like core - and still. ” It Entrusted to Sujata. (18/5/72) And then: “You read what Sri Aurobindo known as of Ashram? It says that Ashram was the representation of all the difficulties of solving. ” (14/6/72) And still: “People say that I am old and that I cannot express myself, that I radote, but conscience forever be also clear…” (26/12/72)
Of course Satprem could be only deeply upset by these remarks of Mother. He rebels it with any form of institution and of organization saw in this Ashram with the drift the justification and the realization of its worst apprehensions, a nightmare to become reality. And yet the facts contradicted all its bad presentiments, all the “threats” which it felt in the air after the departure of Mother. In a few fifteen years of very great proximity, I did not note only one case of physical violence on behalf of the members of Ashram, not the outline of a lawsuit - and even the tantrism does not seem to have come to end from a good innate health since, at 83 years today, Satprem has always good foot good eye.
Being oneself the rights of the Diary, which belong legally per half to Mère (as a person interviewed), or to its having right, and Satprem (as a interviewor), they are right to note that neither Trustees de Ashram nor the members of the family of Mother brought the least legal proceedings for (at least) sharing the royalties with Satprem. Continuation: Satprem

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